Privacy Statement

EduConnect recognizes the importance of protecting the information that we collect from customers during the process of registering for a service, product, newsletter, or membership area of eQuizly web site. It is our policy to use the information we acquire through the registration process or through user postings at our sites for internal business uses only, and we maintain appropriate security measures to keep this information private. Gathering this information helps us develop Web sites and products to match your interests.

You should be aware that personal information--such as your name or e-mail address--that you voluntarily disclose on bulletin boards or in chat areas that are accessible to other users could be collected and disclosed by others. EduConnect cannot take any responsibility for such collection or disclosure. Occasionally, EduConnect uses "cookies" to store pertinent user information during a session. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored in a designated file on your computer. EduConnect only uses cookies for the purpose of holding information during online sessions or to provide user access to its programs.

If you have any questions about the EduConnect privacy statement, email